Division of Exploratory Studies

Exploratory Studies serves undergraduate students who are in the process of determining an academic path, are considering multiple majors or have a strong professional interest (such as pre-health or pre-law) without a specific undergraduate major in mind. We assist students through a combination of individual advising, mentoring and programmatic resources. If you’re no longer exploring major options, you’ll be best served by applying directly to a major of interest rather than applying to Exploratory Studies.


James Scholar Honors Program

Incoming transfer students who have earned at least a 3.85 grade point average (A=4.00) at their previous institution will receive an invitation to self-nominate to our James Scholar Honors Program for their first semester on campus. Additionally, any incoming transfer student who provides documentation showing membership to their previous institution’s academic honors program will also be welcomed into our James Scholar Honors Program. You can learn more on our website.


Jessica Arnold, Associate Director for Enrollment Management
Division of Exploratory Studies
807 S. Wright Street, Fifth Floor
Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: 217-333-4710
Email: exploring@illinois.edu